Flashing Benefits
The primary benefit of flashing is that it keeps water out of unwanted areas and around intentional holes. It also provides air sealing protection.
Prevent Water Penetration
It is necessary to put holes into buildings for things like windows, doors, chimneys, pipes and more. However, it’s also necessary to keep water from entering a structure around these openings. Flashing helps redirect water over and around these holes so it doesn’t enter and cause damage or mold. It is often used in conjunction with other materials to create a complete weather barrier.
Many Applications
Flashing is used in both residential and commercial construction. There are a variety of materials used for flashing so that it can fit around chimneys, doors, windows, vents, and pipes. Newer types of flashing are flexible and very easy to work with, making it easier to install and more effective as a barrier.
Variety of Materials
Metal flashing materials include aluminum, copper, lead and galvanized steel. Metal flashing needs to have expansion joints and should not react chemically with adjacent materials. Flexible flashing materials include rubberized asphalt, and flexible flashing can be quickly and easily installed. Flexible flashing can conform to complex geometries for superior water resistance.