Common Rigid Board Insulation Questions
Our Service Partners pros get a number of common questions about rigid board insulation. See them and their answers below.
What Is Insulation Facing?
Facing on insulation is an added layer of protection from elements like heat and moisture, which is located on one side of the insulation material. It comes in a wide range of materials, but it typically made with paper, plastic or foil. Facing is vital for helping protect walls, ceilings, and other areas of construction from retaining moisture that can cause damage.
Where in a Building or Home Is Rigid Board Insulation Normally Used?
Rigid board insulation is a widely used product that is approved for above and below grade applications, and it is typically used in roofing, wall, floor and below grade applications. It is available for use in all climate zones and all construction types. To find the best type of rigid board insulation for your application, contact your local Service Partners team today!
What Are the R-Values for Rigid Board Insulation?
Rigid board insulation provides R-values ranging from R-3.2 per inch to R-7 per inch and have a variety of thicknesses. Find your R-value for your climate zone to determine the thickness that you need to achieve during installation, in order to effectively prevent heat transfer. The higher the R-value, the thicker the insulation layer needs to be.
In What Geographies Can Rigid Board Insulation Be Used?
Rigid board insulation is a lightweight, low-cost and easy-to-use insulation product that can be utilized in any geography across the United States. No matter where you and your project are located, you can find a type of rigid board insulation to suit your above and below grade needs. Contact a Service Partners team near you today for more information.
Can Rigid Board Insulation Be Used in Residential or Commercial Construction?
Rigid board insulation products are used in both residential and commercial construction. Extruded polystyrene foam board insulation and expanded polystyrene foam board insulation are utilized in both residential and commercial applications. Polyiso rigid foam board insulation is typically found in commercial applications but can also be utilized in residential construction. Fiberglass board insulation is mostly used in commercial construction.